2012년 2월 18일 토요일

De Maria, numquam satis.

De Maria, numquam satis.

I find it incredibly difficult to sit down and get some work done.
Trust me, I have tried everything... From triple shots of espresso to gingko powder (which tastes absolutely vile). I thought it was a problem of concentration; I just could not sit down and process through simple questions of Calculus. That, if you are a Maths student, means something is going seriously wrong. But I realised it was more to do with lack of motivation.

Then I came across this phrase - Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (for the greater glory of God).
Many students in the olden days (and those truly were the golden days, yes?) would write that down on their front pages when they started studying thereby dedicate their time and effort towards the greater glory of God. So I gave that a go. I will write a review on that in some three months time.

"De Maria, numquam satis." contains the idea that we can never give enough praise and honour to Our Lady. Our Lady as Mother of God, would have done everything for Her Son with motherly devotion but in supernatural perfection. For Her, it would have been "For my Son, it is never enough." When she made a soup for Christ, it would have been a soup fitting for Christ. When she baked a biscuit for Christ, it would have been a biscuit fitting for Christ. Soup and biscuit for the greater glory of God! So when we ask Her for Her help for all our devotional practices and even the most mundane daily activities to be offered to God, we also pray that She may consider our prayers as Her own and offer them to God with that same motherly devotion in supernatural perfection. Ultimately, in doing so, we strive for perfection of our prayer lives.

Having lived abroad for some eight years, it does get quite difficult, even for this twenty something year old, to not miss my parents, especially my mum. I have hardly ever argued with dad in my life; not out of intimidation (ahem!) but out of filial obedience (ahem!!). But with mum, we argue day in and day out. She would throw things, I would dodge them (you would not believe)... She would go on about how awful a child I would be and dad and I would exchange a triumphant wink on her back... But somehow, I guess that is one way family members relate to each other. When mum and I argued, it was not because we hated each other; it was just that I did not get my homework done or skived sports or quite often, she would make me wear silly clothes or she herself would turn up to appointments with teachers in silly clothes. But when that bickering was no longer there, I found something similar with Our Lady, admittedly though, without the fun.

So I guess, in the end, the choice of blog name was not only to do with me trying to do my tiny bit "for the greater glory of God" but also to properly show my love to my two mummies; one some 6000 miles away and the other closer. And I am going to collect all my entries and translate them as my mum's birthday present so if there is anything you think may be particularly relevant or heartwarming, I would love to hear from you!

As for now, I should go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow at a Church dedicated to my mummy's heart.

댓글 2개:

  1. Nice touch about 'Ad majorem Dei gloriam'- I wonder how it would go down if I put that somewhere at the top of my next essay at med school!

  2. No need to! Just when you are doing exercises, write it down!
